Volume gain knob that is made originally for the Akai MPC 5000 but will fit others (See below) These are 3D printed and may have a slight different color hue, if you want them to match competely you may want to buy a full set.
These knobs are black, with a red or white top. Please select above what color you want on the tops.
These knobs fit:
- MPC2500
- MPC2000XL
- MPC4000
- MPC5000
- MPC Renaissance (Not Q Link)
- MPC2000 (with modification, see below if you have any questions please email us at sales@mpcstuff.com)
- MPC3000 (with modification, see below if you have any questions please email us at sales@mpcstuff.com)
Please Note: To fit the MPC2000 and MPC3000 you will need to drill the D portion out of this knob to make it a full circle. We use a 7/32 drill bit to do this. If you have any questions please email us at sales@mpcstuff.com